Yoga is an ancient Indian body of knowledge that dates back more than 5000 years ago. The word "Yoga" came from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate. Yoga is a system of exercises for the physical & mental well being. It combines stylised poses with deep breathing and meditation. Yoga positions are the best among all exercises for toning muscles, lubricating joints and massaging the body.
Yoga is not only limited with Asans or Positions only but in India it is also in gymnastic too.Here we are trying to explaing some gymnastic Yoga positions for Yoga lovers.
Don't just do Yoga by watching on television. Learn it scientifically along with all breathing techniques and then start performing. Done in such a way you will find that it is far more effective in alleviating many of our diseases and maintaining ideal health.
nice blog n thk for sharin. Hai friend u r invite to my blog, i want share my yoga lifestyle to u too, thk
An insightfull post. Will definitely help.
Karim- Positive thinking
excellent yoga asanas. Yoga practice has made impossible as possible.
wow u are having awesome yoga images...
Great pictures this blog have. Thanks for defining the yoga and some poses which inspired me to join the hath yoga teacher training. Really I must say that you have very nice blog. Good Effort.
Wins Honey
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